An Archive ofNovember 2017

Name of a Hero

A short story that features Darren in his youth. On his way back home through the middle of a haunted forest, he finds Jackson and adopts him. It was Darren who gave the name ‘Jackson Kross’ and this is the story behind the name. I wrote this short story because a lot of readers wanted to know about Darren’s and Jackson’s connection. I will be writing more about them and I...

Teenage Mage

“Magic, like love, is a dangerous game—it takes a strong heart to play it.” Apart from working as a blacksmith’s slave apprentice, Kleiner Palmrock was a normal fourteen-year-old teenage dwarf. He has fantasies about his future, a crush, a victim story and an access to unlimited scrolls of wisdom in the Ennfort Academy—all while being in his dream girl’s friend-zone. Skyla was a half-elf...
